Butterbeer: Label Experimentation

Playing around with the caramel colours for now, I recycled the 'oats' vector that I used in my previous brief for Quaker Oats. Beer is made from hops and I'm pretty sure they're the same sort of thing, so I used the plant shape to create a new brush and apply it to the edges of the circle to see what patterns I could create. I quite like it and I think I can keep this design down to a limit of two colours if I do this right.
I'm trying to make the 'crest' for this brand from my design sheets, and there's more detail on it in the next post up. I know that there is more than just 'The Three Broomsticks' as a pub in the Wizarding world, but I really liked the idea of using broomsticks as part of the design. I tried to mess around with hats and cats but those, they didn't turn out so good so I'm not even giving them the time of day.
Posted in Labels: butterbeer, ougd301 | Edit |
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