Butterbeer: Typeface and colours

Playing around with some of the colour palettes that I pulled off kuler, I started mucking around with the typeface that I chose for this brief, Ballpark. I just played around with the line underneath the word, using the different brushes that Illustrator had to offer to try and create the right effect. While some of them are quite nice, I think I'm going to try and recreated the sort of melted line underneath that I was sketching in a few of my design sheets a couple of posts past.
As for the colours, I think that these kuler palettes are going to be really helpful to me. I was really going for the whole butter colour scheme while making it look quite luxurious, in the way that butter kind of is. Who even uses butter these days? It's spread all the way. So to me, butter is a luxury.
Posted in Labels: butterbeer, ougd301 | Edit |
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