Butterbeer: Carrier Box

I applied the design to a plain square (for now) just playing around with the idea of having a multipack box for the bottles. I tried to apply the pattern around the edge of the bottle label to this but obviously with the corners, the pattern just overlapped and looked a little bit ridiculous in the corners so I made each a separate path for each edge and left a gap between each. This looked better but then I had the gap at each corner so I took the broomstick from the shield and applied it to the border. I kind of like it but at the same time it looks a little bit too busy. I also couldn't decide between the two colours that I really liked so I have chosen to keep both. One will be light beer and the other regular beer. Or alcoholic and non alcoholic because when all is said and done, there are kids drinking it from about age 14 upwards in the books and I'm pretty sure the wizarding world will have a drinking age limit just like everywhere else.
Posted in Labels: butterbeer, ougd301 | Edit |
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