Friday, 8 October 2010

Butterbeer: Bottle Caps

Posted on/at 16:15 by Hannah Jackson

Excuse my shoddy vectors of bottle caps, but they will have to do as an idea of what I'm going for. I want to keep the bottle caps simple as there is only a small amount of space to work with and it has to be clear. The shield, while nice, would probably not work well in such a small space as the detail would most likely be lost. The same goes for the logo, it would have to be made very small in order for the whole thing to fit in such a small face and risks being illegible. So I am definitely leaning towards using the simple B that I also used in the shield. It's a decorative enough letterform and it's clean and simple and would show up well on the bottle cap. 

As for colours, I'm not sure how difficult it would be to get the cap the exact same colour as the labels on the bottles so that I could use the gold colour for the letterforms. This is something that I am going to need to address.


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