Bite Bakery: Initial business card ideas
I've decided to situate my hypothetical bakery on Blenheim terrace next to the uni where all the other food shops are, so I want mine to really stand out amongst the others.
These a just a few initial ideas for business cards. Like the logo, I like the idea of having the bitemark taken out of the business card as opposed to out of the type. Obviously I would cut the mock ups by hand but professionally these would have to be die-cut. Snazzy.
Playing around with both landscape and portrait layouts. I'm leaning more towards the landscape one myself.
There was another idea to have the business card make up the letter head. By doing this the business card would be whole, no bites or anything, and have the little slots on the letterhead that you slide the card into on opposite corners to hold it in place would be shaped like the bite marks so while the card was in there it would give the illusion that it had been bitten. But I'm unsure about this.
These a just a few initial ideas for business cards. Like the logo, I like the idea of having the bitemark taken out of the business card as opposed to out of the type. Obviously I would cut the mock ups by hand but professionally these would have to be die-cut. Snazzy.

Posted in Labels: bite bakery, ougd301 | Edit |
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