Saturday 6 November 2010

Promotional Materials for the Marathon

Posted on/at 21:48 by Hannah Jackson

Okay so, during my tutorial with Joe I told him that I was struggling to find a context for my drinks. He suggested something, well, brilliant, and I was kicking myself for not thinking of it. Each drink is from a novel that's been made into a film at least once. So, events at the cinema, using the drinks as limited edition things for the one night only. It's pretty perfect and that's the route that I started going down. I did a load of design sheets for this but again, I work quicker and get more ideas and variations out of the way by working on Illustrator so I got on with it. I found a couple of Harry Potter fonts on dafont and the like so I got those and started working. They're not brilliant, but they'll do.

I also took the Harry Potter logos from google and live traced them using limited colours so that the texture would appear, but it wouldn't be a ridiculous amount of paths. Then it can easily be rescaled and recoloured to whatever I need it to be.

I also had a bit of a play with phrases from the book/film, focusing mainly on 'You're a Wizard, Harry' because that's one of the things that I remember most clearly from all the books/films.

I also had a bit of a play using very simple imagery, such as the Lightning bolt, but I don't think it's iconic enough for people to see it and instantly think Harry Potter. To me, I look at it and think Flash Gordon. Wrong thing entirely. I tried putting images of the actual product on the poster with the text and I dont think that this works. I think that I need something that iconically says Harry Potter to draw people to the event and keep the product as something as something that will appear in the cinema itself. Part of the menu or something.

After much playing around and many layout options. I vectored the HP logo from the last film, very silvery and nightish and dark. This one is nowadays far more recognisable than the original gold one. I suppose it shoes how the storyline is getting darker and darker as it goes along. Anyway, I vectored it and used a font called Lumos, which is based on the fonts used for the chapter title pages in the books, to write very simple things. This is a poster that I intend to be on bus stops and such, so when considering the hierarchy I think I only need to say what it is, where it is and when it is. There is no need for any more information than that on something that people are only going to give a couple of seconds of their time to.

I made two options of this, using the dark black and silver more modern logo and and the gold of the early branding. Out of the two, I much prefer the dark one as the light coloured one looks far too...childish? Yeah, it looks like the promotion for a children's film, which I don't think that Harry Potter is now? Yeah, we were kids when we started watching it, but mostly we've grown up with it. At the same time as being more grown up, it represent the branding for the next coming film, and this marathon serves as a build up to the release of the new one, which is good. I also chose the Odeon as my cinema of choice so I added the Odeon logo as a banner across the top of each poster. Rather than saying 'at the Odeon' the addition of the logo simplifies the poster even more and represents it as an Odeon event.


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