Thursday 4 November 2010

PGGB Bottles

Posted on/at 13:00 by Hannah Jackson

Going back to the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, when it came to making the labels for the conical shaped bottle that I had, I came to the realization that I just didn't like it. The design isn't sitting well with me and I've gone back to the tall, thin bottle that I was designing originally. This time around, I much prefer it and it sits much better with me. I have gone back to the idea of the design going across both the front and the back label of the bottle, the hazard stripes going on the back of the bottle and showing through the liquid rather than having the front label of the bottle being so busy.

Another thing that has changed is the logo. I was struck by inspiration while watching the film, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. When I had changed the point size of each word so that they filled the same width before wasn't working at all, but I got to playing around with the warp and free transform tool in Illustrator, and warped the words to be pulled up and down to different levels. I really like this new logo and the way it warps and sits together has far more of a 'sci fi' and futuristic feel to it than it ever has before.


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