Tuesday 9 November 2010

PGGB Bottle Test

Posted on/at 11:48 by Hannah Jackson

Using my ever so perfect for this project bottle of olive oil, I decided that before I print my stickers for the back, I should check that the actual idea of putting the stripes on the back of the bottle will work before I go about doing it. This is a really rough way of checking it because I literally drew the stripes onto a notepad and held them behind the bottle. Very crude.

Obviously, the liquid in the bottle makes the image seem warped and stretched so that is something to take into account.

The liquid makes the diagonal lines seem quite horizontal, curing at the edges and making a sort of ~ shape.

While they do make the stripes seem quite horizontal, I still think that the yellow and black stripes get the point across pretty much and the stripes will become more diagonal the emptier the bottle becomes, so the design works both with a full bottle and an empty one.

The good thing about using olive oil is that the liquid in the bottle is already the right colour and I don't have to crack the seal on the lid or anything. If I did, I would have to photoshop the break out.


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