Wednesday 20 October 2010

Bite Bags

Posted on/at 10:11 by Hannah Jackson

I honestly do not know what struck me about the colour purple. Perhaps I'm having a bit of a purple week. My identity has taken a bit of a turn for the purple as well. I think it's a very regal looking colour and gives the impression of quality so I suppose I was trying to convey the quality feel of the food by using the colour purple. I can quite safely say that it isn't working.

Colour aside, I quite like some of the layout options that I have presented here for paper bags. I quite like the idea of having the edge of the bag 'bitten off' rather than the zig zag cut of most paper bags. Something to play with, anyway.


MWOOLLEY86 said...

Your briefs and work are focused and tie in well with your rational.

Just a few pointers :

The butterbeer packing needs to be more immediate and attention grabbing i think this could be easily adjust with a reverse of colours and some sort of development with the typeface used maybe bigger printed across the packaging.

This is quite interesting, not specifically related but i think you could do something similar to the pattern that has been produced, perhaps could be printed on the inside of the packaging or perhaps think about making each panel of the packaging different but work together.

And as mention in the crit i think the target audience of the bakery brief needs to be addressed as this will determine the outcome of the brief completely.

I do like the bag you mocked up though so perhaps say that the bakery is mega posh and go all out on the print finishes foil blocking etc. and boxes for the produce.

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